Keep in mind this is a very early version of what is to come when I get some time to work on it. There are many challenges ahead to refine the mod well enough for it to work on all PCs. I started working on this 'Mod', using the term loosely, to play Danny B's tracks at the appropriate times on Binding of Isaac. Hello fellow Binding of Isaac & Danny B fans, If that is something any one is interested in please let me know and I will get started on it asap.Īlternative Solution by OGxhizors - No dependencies aside from owning the original sound track: Internal Mod I may look into creating an add-on for the alternate mod enabling users to more easily adapt their music of choice to the game and maybe even randomize their music from a pool of tracks each time they run the mod. I have been using it for quite some time without any issues. It is still possible to pick & choose the tracks to be used for the alternate mod and it is not reliant on certain game settings, windowed mode, or specific resolutions. As much work as I did pour into this mod I would suggest using it since it incorporates itself directly into the game. Confirmed!, the Alternate Solution works very well.